
Haaaaapppy Tuesday everyone! I got so giddy when I got an email from Bec over at Blanket Magazine to let me know that the latest issue is out now……I’ve been featured as the cover artist plus interview to go along with it too. The theme was Landscape and I submitted an illustration a while back and I was so happy to hear from Bec that it’s going to be for the front cover. Double woop time!!

You can buy this issue plus previous issues over at the Blanket online shop.

Today’s been busy the least to say….. been juggling loads of projects at the same time which to be fair is my own fault lol.

I have no idea how I managed to put together this in the space of an hour! It’s pretty plain compared to the first mixtape I made (meaning the cover) however I kinda think it’s cool. All the photos are from the Natural History Museum which I took ages ago and thought I may as well use them, seems to fit with the theme. Old, stuffed animals, preservation, objects to remember.

The theme is about memories and how listening to music when you were younger takes you back to the good old days….. (oh note that the horrors obviously weren’t around at that time like 10 years ago or something……) Nostalgic yes.

Whoever gets it will be lucky I’m still waiting for mine from last month!!!! Grumble.