Amelia’s Magazine: That Which We Do Not Understand
If you’ve been following Amelia’s Magazine then you’re probably aware of a rather exciting Kickstarter Project titled: That Which We Do Not Understand. To date, it has been 10 years since the magazine started off as a physical print (all those years ago!) and now exists online supporting artists from around the world and showcasing undiscovered talent. I was part of ‘Amelia’s Magazine Compendium of Fashion’ a few years ago- I can’t believe it’s been that long already!
The open brief was launched back in September and has had lots of media attention from design blogs as well as the participating artists who have all written their own account of it; see below for each of the contributing artists :
‘That Which We Do Not Understand’ is a theme which was close to Amelia’s own personal experiences and the project hopes to inspire new ideas and beliefs about the modern world: mysticism, magic, spirituality, witchcraft, the occult, folklore…
There are currently 9 days to go until it ends! There are lots of lovely gifts for those who back the project so have a look and support independent publishers and artistic talent!