



I’m SO happy with my new tattoo!! Yesterday I went to Nine Tails Tattoo to get it done and I’m dead chuffed about it; it was better than I expected in terms of the quality.  I got it all done in one sitting and I spent about three hours lying on my back…. I have a sore arm and back! Now I have to clean it and moisturise it every day for the next two weeks. Apparently the tattoo will get slightly itchy and I’ve been warned not too pick at it.

Thanks guys for the awesome tattoo- I’ll be back again for sure!

August 25, 2012

Hellohead: Live Portrait Event

September 23, 2012

F Cooke Pie and Mash Shop

Written by:

Hello! I'm a freelance illustrator and artist based in London. I'm available for commissions, craft exhibitions and other fun events.

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