Art Exchange
This morning I’m feeling rather bright and chirpy as I received two beautiful sets of art work via the Art Exchange project. Sanna Dyker and Samantha Eynon sent me some lush prints. This means our flat will be nicely decorated all I need is a few more……… Anyhoo see the photos below…..
How cute is this print?!
Sanna’s work is really good, I love the simple line drawings and mark making. (And excuse the scabby nail polish 🙂 )
Well that is all, in other news me and some peeps on Twitter are planning on starting up a monthly zine promoting and dedicated to students/graduates and artists who are just starting out. I feel that although there are a lot of pdf magazines and other zines out there (I mean some are good…….,) they’re all focused on well known and established artists which is fair enough like. We were thinking of writing some reviews of shows/ talking about different art practices, having a special month of the artist section along with a running theme for the zine (different theme for each month.) Any having an artist design the front cover OR logo. So if you would like to take part please DM me, we’re in the very early stages so nothing is set. However any suggestions is more than welcome.
Have a good Saturday!