Hello folks! How’s your weekend been? I’ve decided to take part in this year’s Inktober because:
- I would like to improve more on my ink drawings as I feel pretty comfortable with it now.
- Making artwork for myself and being able to enjoy the process of it.
- More importantly, taking time out during the day and focusing on one thing which I love doing!
I often come to a complete stand still when I have the urge to draw- but draw what? Then I get into that cycle of thinking that I must make more work otherwise I feel really bad about myself for not doing anything. I think it’s also really easy to compare with other people, especially online, which I’m beginning to slowly come round that type of thinking and to think of myself first.
The rules of Inktober are pretty straight forward (see below for details).

This morning I started off with the first prompt, which was ‘swift’. With that in mind, I decided to draw a crane flying over some flowers.

I’m really happy with the way it turned out in terms of the composition and the brush details of the feathers. I’m beginning to use different angles of the brushes to get contrasting lines and also blocking out parts of the drawing to get different shadows. I can’t wait to the end of the month to see what I’ve produced!
Are you taking part in Inktober? Did you do it last year? Is this your first time taking part in it?
Thanks for reading as always and I’ll update my Inktober drawings here and on Instagram.