Do it!!
Hey all,
The sunshine is coming out and I’ve been enjoying the free time thinking and researching what other stuff I will be selling on my stall i August. I have come across the Gocco yet again and I am planning on buying one (might as well spend the rest of my student loan.) This guide I found on Zakka Zakka blog compares all the Gocco printers which is very useful and extremely handy. I was pretty confused on which one to buy and I think I might buy the PG 10 which ever one is cheapish. I have so many things I want to do with my Gocco printer (well I can dream about it.)
So I will purchase one and will blog about it when it arrives!
Ah they are so expensive. P-10 Good cos it’s got the registration sheet for overlay layers of prints. I think the cheapest is B-6 the basic of all. You can get them in Japan.
I’d recommend the smaller one, I bought the PG-Arts and now I think it may have been a bit over the top. I’m sure there are ways around the registration thing. All the best on making your decision and enjoying your new toy. : )