Thank You: Raising Money for Black Lives Matter
Hey folks and hope you’re all okay. I was away in Doncaster for a couple of days and I’m feeling recharged already. I feel like I needed to get out of London from time to time as it can feel quite overwhelming at times, as in, just the constant amount of people in your face all the time. I needed to see some green fields! My heart is always and forever with Yorkshire; I’m just a Northerner at heart. ❤️❤️
So our Art for Activism has come to an end and we’ve raised £167.00! I just wanted to say a massive thanks to those who have donated to the raffle- we’ll announce the winners this week so keep your eyes out for it over on Ivy’s Instagram Stories. And, of course, a big thank you to the artists who donated to the raffle, none of this would’ve happened if it wasn’t for your kindness and generosity for such an important cause. The money will be split between Kids of Colour and The Literacy Pirates– I’m so happy to see the money going towards these two great charities.
Of course, it doesn’t just stop here. Black Lives Matter movement continues to be an important part for things to come in the future. For drastic changes to happen it all starts with grassroots movements, whatever and however that may look. Take the time to educate yourselves; read about the history of the slave trade and how the British Empire thrived on it, and what irreversible damage it has done up until this day. Let’s be honest and open up about racism, as difficult as it might be, but talking about it rather than sweeping it under the carpet is a good way to start open dialogues with others. And whether those conversations become hard it’s well needed.
No one should be living in fear because of the colour of their skin. Small changes are needed and over time they’ll grow. Let our voices be heard.
From myself and Ivy thanks again everyone and enjoy the rest of your week.