Author: Jo Cheung

I’m honestly not the one to be telling everyone about my birthday, I’ve never made a really big fuss about it. Especially over the last few years I’ve been happy just to have a small birthday- nothing too big, just celebrating my birthday with my friends and families.

On Tuesday I’ll be 30- not sure how I feel about it yet. Those two digits still feels quite alien to me. Who knows, maybe on Tuesday I’ll be crying at work or I’ll happily embrace it and see it as a milestone to everything that I’ve done over the past few years. In my early twenties- just after I had graduated- I had no idea what I wanted to do in terms of my artwork (direction, style, medium). You assume that you’ll have everything all sussed out, like, knowing where you want to be career-wise. It’s not that easy though. Things aren’t that simple or clear cut. As I hurtled towards my mid twenties that feeling of dread hit me like a brick wall. Has anyone else experienced that? That constant thought of ‘I should really be settling down now to a secure job/relationship/buying a house/getting that pension sorted out’ etc. By my late twenties I was like, ‘Fuck this. I’m going to do what I want and I’m going to be happy whatever happens’. I’ve found that trying out different options out meant that I could sift through what I liked and didn’t like, which I think was probably the most important steps I’ve done. Because as much as people/professionals will give you advice, it’s really up to the individual to choose their own paths through positive and negative experiences. But then you look back and realise those kind of things makes you a better person. It’s taken me such a long time to have a positive mindset, accept that what I want to achieve will take time, and appreciate the small things in life such as taking time out to learn a new recipe or read a book I wouldn’t normally go for.

So to celebrate this momentous moment I’m having a 30% discount over in my Etsy shop. See below for more details:

I’m looking forward to spending time with people I care about (and being fed as well which is nice). I hope you all have a super weekend! Birthday treats start as of now!

If you’re someone like me who can spend hours on Etsy, well, that’s pretty much my Sunday evenings gone! This’ll be something new for my blog (best I keep it up then…) and I’ll be doing a weekly round up on things I love on Etsy. Which brings me to this week’s post: lapel pins. I would love to build my own collection of pins and I hope this inspires you to either to start your own or to create your own pins!

Please click on image itself which will take you to the individual artists Etsy shop- thanks and enjoy!

Atomic Cocktail Enamel Pin: In the Lavender Haze

Poet By Night: Where is Jasper

Moon Cat Enamel Pin: I like CATS

Till Death Do Us Apart: Frolik Strudio

Personalised Pony Pin Badge: Bonbi Forest

Black Beetle Lapel Pin: Kristina Micotti

Swan Enamel Pin Set: Boy Girl Party


That’s all for now everyone!

Do you have a favourite enamel pin? Do you have any you’d like to share with us? If so, leave a comment below and thanks for reading!

Recently, Sam and I went to Granada for a couple of days to visit some friends who are currently living there. It was my first time to Granada so I was really looking forward to it! We spent four days in Granada and it was enough time to do everything i.e. do the usual tourist things and trying out different places to eat.

When we arrived we went out for some tapas and drinks. Honestly, the food is amazing and whenever you order drinks you usually receive free tapas. We pretty much went on a tapas crawl during the evenings as the drinks are reasonably inexpensive and I love ordering small things for everyone to try and share.

Granada itself is a beautiful place. I love the architecture and the tiny little streets winding up here and everywhere- a maze of gorgeous buildings.

We visited Catedral de Granada and it was well worth visiting since we had some spare time one afternoon.

Before going to The Alhambra, our friends took us to Sacromonte for a walk, which is a very hilly/mountainous area where people have built their houses into the caves. Most of the buildings are all painted blue and white. You can probably tell by now I’m just taking loads of photos as design inspiration for our house!

When Sam and I visited The Alhambra  it wasn’t much of a walk from the river (it was getting warm by this point) and we walked round the gardens for a bit before queueing up to get into the Palacios Nazaries.

Once inside the Palacios Nazarie, well, I just went completely tile crazy and took loads and loads of photos of the tiles! The details of the walls. ceilings and floors were just amazing and beautifully intricate.

If I was there any longer my soul mission would’ve been to try as many restaurants as possible and basically go all out with the food! When I went out for food when we got back home I remember thinking that there was NO tapas with my drink… and there I was staring at my drink and dreaming of bread and ham… How I miss thee.

What to do/see/eat:

  • Visit The Alhambra (I would book in advance, either morning or afternoon slot.)
  • See a Flamenco show. We went to the Le Chien Andalou, a rather small and cosy little venue, and we booked in the morning for an evening show.
  • If you have spare time in the afternoon, I’d recommend visiting Catedral de Granada and it’s only €3.00 to get in.
  • If you’re looking for good tapas then you should try out Bar Los Diamantes- they do amazing seafood tapas and you can’t go wrong with the atmosphere as well!
  • Tomatoes on toast with a cortado for breakfast. Yes please everyday for me.
  • Spend a solid day walking and get a picnic for it as well. We went walking at Lanjarón for about six hours and it was well worth it.
  • Have a small bite at La Picatería– olives, cheese, sardines, and other delicious food!
  • Eat more tapas. Why ever not?

Would you recommend doing/seeing/eating anything else in Granada? Have you been anywhere lately? If so, I’d love to hear from you/ any other short city break recommendations would be great!

Hello all! How’s your week been? Sam and I went to Granada last week for four days (future post coming right up) and, hands up, we drank lots of nice wine and ate too much cheese and bread. I suppose it has to be done when you’re on holiday, right?

I’ve been pretty busy this past week as my cousin stopped over for a couple of days as she’s living in Australia for a year. It was sort of mixed emotions when I said bye to her on Wednesday morning; obviously, I’m really happy for her now that’s she’s off again on an amazing journey of a lifetime. It’s also a pretty good excuse to visit her when I have the chance, plus, I’ve always wanted to go to Australia as well.

In other news, I recently designed some new greeting cards for my Etsy shop. As you can probably tell from my Instagram feed, I’ve been a busy bee and promoting away only to forget to write a more detailed post about it on my blog- doh! As nice as my current cards are I felt I needed some more cards for specific occasions so I spent a bit of time designing some new cards.


Can you tell how happy I am?! I’m so stoked with them I want to keep them for myself! To see more of them then head over to my Etsy shop here.

I’m going to end it here as I’ve got a couple more product photography I need to do for the collection. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and thanks so much for stopping by!

For more updates, you can find me on:

Twitter: @jocheung

Facebook: Jo Cheung Illustration

Instagram: jocheungillustration

ello: jocheung

Hello all! Just a friendly reminder that I’m off on holiday from Sunday 12th – Thursday 16th February so my Etsy shop will be closed during that period. All orders should be made no later than Friday 10th.

My Etsy shop will be open again on Friday 17th February. Please note I will not be answering any emails so anything urgent I will reply upon my return.