
Today I got my mark back for my dissertation, 80%!! I just thought I’d announce it to the world before telling my parents about it. I’m dead chuffed as I put a lot of effort into it as writing in general is not my strongest point. i tend to blab on about stuff.

On the other hand if you’re on Twitter and want to upload pictures then try Twitpic, I’m with it. It’s good if you want to share instant pictures to people or you have the option to opt out so you don’t spam everyone with it!!! I do know alot of stuff about social networking sites, Hmmm…… but i think I’ll start using it for a week and forget about it. I’ve just signed myself up to millions of things.

Twit Pic

Twit Pic

And here I am working late into the night as usual, this is going to be some new and hopefully exicitng stuff for out exhibition (at the P3, on june 11th till 14th please join our facebook event…. pretty please….)


aah crap quality….

me thinks i might have to break the pattern up…

THIS IS the new work and I will be using some old stuff to create some gift wrapping stuff and will be screen printing them as well.

A1..??? BIG BIG BIG!!!!

The good news is that SUPERSWEET will be printing out the current Fashion Look Book as a mini magazine, the work I just recently did for them, fingers XXX very very soon. Wow I soooo can’t wait until to grab a copy of it!!
