
Mirror badge design

Mirror badge design

Hi there!

The weather in London has been so lush hasn’t it?! I have been enjoying the weather as much as I can although I will be going to Hong Kong very soon! (I’m so excited!) Anyway I have been planning out what I need to do for the Kioskiosk stall in August, I thought I was only going to be doing it for 3 days. When I read the email properly this morning it’s for a week…so best get a move on with things. I’m going to be selling some mirror badges (the above design) and more things. So come down from the 18th to the 25th (yes that is a week!) to somewhere around Embankment and say hello to me if you’re around.

Hi there!

I have just updated my NOISE Festival portfolio which can be seen here. This summer I will be taking part in the project which means that different artists will have a slot for couple of days which will rotate from July till September. Anyway i need to be a busy bee and get a move on making more things….

….and don’t forget to come to the D&AD The New Blood Exhibition, we will be there for a few days so come and see some wonderful and talented people.

UPDATE: Here’s the link to the august month with a profile of me LOOKING LIKE A RIGHT MONG!!

Here are all the dates for what’s to come….


Jazz hands

Jazz hands


Half a girl

Half a girl

Hooray for cupcakes!

This is what I’ve been up to today, see The Rip Rip group on Flickr for the project anyone can submit! Simply get a copy of an image,s plit it in half and draw the other half of it! I love doing stuff like this and kind of miss it too. Although the style of the image is very different to what I usually do. Notice me colouring out of the lines and going mad with the Brush tool! 🙂

Apart from that I am in LOVE with Sims 3 and i have to say I am addicted to it. I can spend all my time looking after my Sim family. Haha.