New Products in Society6
It’s been so long since I last updated my Society6 profile. If you’re not familiar with Society6, it’s an online platform where you can upload your designs/artwork which you can then have unique products such as tote bags, pillow cases, t-shirts… literally, the list goes on!
I recently designed two abstract pattern artwork which I’ve then applied it onto various products. I had a lot fun with both artwork as there was no direction as such; I always think I work best at making it up as I’m going along (which I don’t think is a bad thing!)

I love the different textures and colours so I’m going to continue with this and maybe build up a portfolio of work with it. Who knows, I’m having way too much fun right now!
I’ve also added them to my Etsy shop now, see here and here for both of them.

Enjoy the rest of your Monday and take care.