Woohoo! Gia-London website is now officially online! After almost a year’s worth of work I have to say I’m so happy to see it up. We had a little party/ sample sale to celebrate see here for the photos.
At the very start of the project Najia the creative director was happy to let me do what I thought was an interpretation of the Gia world, something nostalgic, playful and fresh. After lots of prep work and so on I used these elements and created the web pages and desktop backgrounds, icons, the Gia Birds well everything.

This experience has been throughly amazing and extremely worth while, partly because I started this project when I was doing my major project. At the time when I told one of my tutors they were like, “Er don’t do it because you only have one chance to do your major project.” Hmm well frankly I DISAGREE with this and I did it anyway. Surely the whole point of being in uni is to do as many things as possible, to gain as much experience as you can before you graduate. it kinda just shows in your portfolio you haven’t been doing uni work but things outside. I’m not going to go on a tangent but you should really take advantage of your time at uni and explore as much stuff as you can. And now I’m in a position where I would LOVE to do some work experience but can’t really to afford to work for free.
Do what YOU think it’s best in your personal interest and DON’T let your tutors dictate what you should and shouldn’t do because like I said experience is really going to get you somewhere especially now that it’s pretty tough.
I’m now the freelance graphic designer and illustrator so designing e-mail banners and newsletters, packaging, backgrounds…. fun fun fun! I want to do more things like this, never really considered being a digital designer but now I am!