Baker Street Tag

Our merchandise stall with lots of handmade goodies.

Our merchandise stall with lots of handmade goodies.


Yorkshire Scum Bag by Victoria Weatherall

Yorkshire Scum Bag by Victoria Weatherall

Sam Szulc colouring book!!

Sam Szulc colouring book!!

Lovely bags by Anna Reynolds

Lovely bags by Anna Reynolds

my schizzle

my schizzle

My greetings cards

My greetings cards

yay awsome stuff from Emma Cowley!!!

yay awsome stuff from Emma Cowley!!!


My portfolio

My portfolio

Hello all,

Here are a few photos from our merchandise stall, I’ll upload more photos later. If you like what you see click on the photos and it’ll take you to the artists website! Yay! There’s more stuff going on with different creative courses so click here to see what else there is.

I also found a business card from Advocate Art slipped into my portfolio!!?? 🙂


I’ve been busy doing stuff for other people and not had the proper time to focus on my major project…ooops, it’s gona be long nights with coffee and Red Bull! I’ve really been enjoying my placement with Gia london helping them to design new pages for their website and it’s going well 🙂 plus using lush fabrics for the work too which has been fun.

We went to the Kinetica Art Fair last Saturday at P3 (Baker st) and there were some amazing stuff with art, sound and light fused together. There where some really beautifal pieces, the bird/arms work (see above) was creepy! It kept on moving very slowly in a jaunty way (i shudder…)Well worth checking out the website anyways.

We will also be having our degree show there in the Summer-ish so watch this space.xx