
New Year

I can’t believe it’s that time of the year again! It’s come round so quickly; I say this every year but it has though! This time last year I was still in Hong Kong ready to leave to come back to the UK. That was probably one of my biggest achievements so far- to travel alone and to learn about myself. I really hope in the future we can go travelling together as I feel like there’s so much out there and that it needs to be explored.

Over the last few months I have been working full-time, so the illustration side of things have fallen sideways. I’m going to spend more time this year and to focus more on it as I look back and feel really bad for not doing as much as I should have done. Also, I hate regretting/ dwelling over things. It’s always been about not having enough time to do anything (more hours in the day please!) and working overtime too- lot’s of it.

The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness.

-John The Man Muir

So, I’m going to promise myself to do more artwork and start enjoying the little things that come by day to day. I have really learnt a lot about myself in 2014 and made some good friends at work. Since going back to my workplace, I have also learnt that some people are not worth my time either. It’s pointless wasting time and energy on people who are transient in your life.

I also decided to give Facebook a break because I waste so much time on it. For me, it got the the point of seeing loads of random posts that are unrelated to my interests as well as people ranting about things.  I guess the outlet  and openness makes it easier for people to be more clear cut about things. I suppose the constant negativity from people really gets me down sometimes.

I suck at New Year’s Resolutions, however, I’ve made a list on things I need to work on over the coming year and to remain a happy person!

My mini goals for 2015 are:

– To carry on and pursue the elusiveness of the illustration world.

– Not be beaten up by negative people.

– To focus more on myself and worry less about others.

-See people’s faults as their own insecurities.

– Spend more time with people who mean a lot to me.

– Try and stop moaning about the small things.

– Being happy.

What have your achievements been in 2014? What are your plans or goals for the coming year? I would love to hear from you!

Wishing you all a Happy New Year for 2015!



I’ve been busy trying to finish the last of my Christmas shopping and I still only have one more to buy and then I’m done!

My Etsy shop is closed until Monday 5th January 2015, so now I can relax and watch loads of Christmas films…

I’d like to say thank you for your support and for buying from an independent designer; it really means a lot to me and it makes me really happy!

Not long until Christmas- yay!

If you’ve been following Amelia’s Magazine then you’re probably aware of a rather exciting Kickstarter Project  titled: That Which We Do Not Understand. To date, it has been 10 years since the magazine started off as a physical print (all those years ago!) and now exists online supporting artists from around the world and showcasing undiscovered talent. I was part of ‘Amelia’s Magazine Compendium of Fashion’ a few years ago- I can’t believe it’s been that long already!

The open brief was launched back in September and has had lots of media attention from design blogs as well as the participating artists who have all written their own account of it; see below for each of the contributing artists :

‘That Which We Do Not Understand’ is a theme which was close to Amelia’s own personal experiences and the project hopes to inspire new ideas and beliefs about the modern world: mysticism, magic, spirituality, witchcraft, the occult, folklore…

There are currently 9 days to go until it ends! There are lots of lovely gifts for those who back the project so have a look and support independent publishers and artistic talent!