
On Monday we spent a rather sunny afternoon hanging around Little Venice for the yearly Canalway Cavalcade festival. There were so many canalboats beautifully decorated; some with buntings others with ornaments and flowerpots on the rooftops- like a miniature floating garden. There were lot’s of arts and craft markets and food stalls, so we spent some time meandering around looking for a bargain and free samples!

Afterwards, we walked along the canal back to Mornington Crescent; I think it took less than 45 minutes from Warwick Avenue. Along the canal, you also walk past London Zoo, which is a bonus because you can see the aviary section! It was a perfect way to end a lovely day.

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2014-05-07 02


Canal Boats


It’s been a rather busy and hectic couple of weeks what with moving and all of that. But I’m super happy with our new flat as we’re now living in Mornington Crescent; a stone’s throw away from Camden Town and a 20 minutes walk to Tottenham Court Road. I’m very eager to buy some plants to spruce up our flat.

Mornington Crescent

I’m also very, very happy with my unicorn screen print by Lesley Barnes. I bought it at Pick Me Up 2014; a visual and graphic design arts festival at Somerset House. Unfortunately, I didn’t take any photos (even though I went there twice!)  so no write up for this year’s Pick Me Up.


Finally, I’m also a proud owner of this little gem thrifted near Chatsworth Road…

Dog Print