
Etsy Scene One

Etsy Scene Two

Etsy Scene Three

I’ve been spending time uploading and editing some of my products on my Etsy shop… and it’s taking so long as well! So I’m trying to find as much time as possible editing them as it has to be done! I’ve still got a heck of a way to go, but for now I’m pretty happy with the in situ looks for my prints 🙂

Grow as you are

Lately I’ve been inspired by quotes, experiences and person thoughts with some of my latest pieces.

I say change is always good for personal growth. For me, it has been being around an environment surrounded by negative people and energy. And I’ve also learnt that some people want to follow the crowd and fit in with others- so be it.

Each day I say to myself:

Stay true to yourself.

Don’t let others walk all over you.

Be your own person.