
Into The Sun


I’ve been pretty busy over the past few weeks as I’ve been preparing new work for two upcoming exhibitions.

The first one will be running from the 25th until the 20th of June. I’ll be exhibiting two new pieces of work for ‘Into the Sun’ exhibition, organised by artist Ivy Mei. The private viewing will be on Thursday 25th June at A-side B-side Gallery, Hackney Downs Studio.

Come by and say hello to us all! For more information about the group show please visit the Facebook event here:

The gallery’s opening times are as follows:

Thursday: 12-5pm and 7-9pm

Friday-Monday 12-6pm.

All other times must be arranged via an appointment.

Hopefully I’ll see you there!



Well, I quit my full-time job and at the moment I’ve been utilising the time that I have to update my awful-looking CV and portfolio as well as making a few more illustrations here and there.

I’ve also been dabbling around with a bit of type work as I’d like to experiment more with it.

In between with finding private work and making more illustrations, I’m for now not panicking about money. Just yet. I think I should enjoy the time that I have in doing more things I never had time for. Positive thinking!

Renegade Craft Fair Flyer

The other week myself and June (June Sees) went along to Renegade Craft Fair: London at the Truman Brewery. There were certainly lots of stalls to see, however, we spent most of the afternoon there and I had such a good time meeting some very lovely artists/crafts peeps.

I had the chance to meet the very lovely Harriet Gray (Hello Harriet) and Luke Waller. I also bought a set of tattoos from her too (all will be revealed very soon!).

I took a few photos from the fair, but now looking back I should’ve taken some more!

Renegade Obe

Renegade Three Renegade Four

Oh No Rachio’s (above image) succulents were up for sale and oh so pretty!

Renegade Two

The next Renegade Craft Fair in London will be on November 7th and 8th. For more information about future fairs please follow the link.