Art Tag





I’m making up my major project as i’m going along now. only got two weeks to finish it off. YIKES. as well as printing everything out, so i’m gona go with it and see how this goes. working over shite (sorry for bad language)  screen prints from the other week which turned out bad but then making them super pretty and intricate.

what will my tutors say…uh oh!!


So I  have now signed up with tumblr because I need to link my blog with my website and I’ve heard that it’s the easiest one to use in terms of blogging, well I need an easy one haha. OKay so now i need to figure out HOW TO DO IT. erm…

if i new more about css stuff I’d make it well flashy. looks too plain at the moment.

me thinks it should have more simple options you can use, for someone like me… was this a good idea. i already don’t like the mahoosive text how the heck do i change that?! what’s with the date thing at the side?! I want a nice pretty boarder. i need someone to hold my hand and do this bizzle.

will see xxx