Hello folks! Hope you’re all enjoying the weather we’re having at the moment. I am very pleased to announce that my website is now up and running- hurrah! It’s taken me a while to get my head around WordPress again but it’s getting there; there’s a couple more tweaks here and there that I still need to do, but other than that it’s looking a lot more slick and better than before.
I’m also super excited say that my solo show at Scicluna Deli in Doncaster is now up and running from now until the end of the month. My dad, bless him, helped me to set up and we got there in the end. Albeit a total of two hours chatting away to Josie and Angie who works there.
I’ll be there again on Saturday 15th just to check things are a-okay and in the meantime if you happen to be around the area why not pop in and have a gander. There are cards, postcards, art prints and lots of other lovely things for sale.
Thanks for reading as always and enjoy the weekend!
I’m very pleased to announce that I’ll be showcasing work at Scicluna Deli in Doncaster from June 1st – June 30th.
Please see below for more details about the show:
Art at the Deli: Animal Menagerie
A solo exhibition by Jo Cheung Illustration
Show dates: June 1st – June 30th 2019
Jo Cheung is a freelance illustrator and designer based in London. She studied at Doncaster Churchview for a year and after that she went on to study BA HONS Illustration at the University of Westminster. Since then she has resided in London and has exhibited her work in numerous galleries across London.
Inspired by her continuing interest with the natural world, she will be presenting a series of work that examines our relationship with the natural world. Imaginary landscapes and an idealistic view often depicting animals roaming free with no human intervention has been the continuing theme in Jo’s work. Often, animals and birds are isolated within the scene with no human element involved. Our way of living in a consumer society is having a massive and major impact on the environment- irreversible damage which is caused by our lifestyle such as production of food, deforestation, the over reliance of fossil fuel, over consumption of ‘fast fashion’ is having a detrimental effect on the natural world. She likes to pose this question to the audience when viewing her work.
Jo works in various mediums when making her images. She enjoys to experiment with layout and composition when making collages, this is also true when digitally altering the final image on the computer.
It’s been so long since I last updated my Society6 profile. If you’re not familiar with Society6, it’s an online platform where you can upload your designs/artwork which you can then have unique products such as tote bags, pillow cases, t-shirts… literally, the list goes on!
I recently designed two abstract pattern artwork which I’ve then applied it onto various products. I had a lot fun with both artwork as there was no direction as such; I always think I work best at making it up as I’m going along (which I don’t think is a bad thing!)
I love the different textures and colours so I’m going to continue with this and maybe build up a portfolio of work with it. Who knows, I’m having way too much fun right now!
I’ve also added them to my Etsy shop now, see here and here for both of them.
I’m very happy to announce that I have new cards which are now available in my Etsy shop- hurrah! I’ve been meaning to add some new designs in my Etsy shop but never managed to get round to it last year.
For this season’s collection I divided it into three designs: dogs (love them), birds (again, love them) and cute jungle animals (love them also) which is more orientated for the children’s greeting cards market.
It’s been a while since I’ve designed a new collection of cards. This seasons collection is all about animals: dogs, birds and cutesy animals. For the very first time I’ve designed a birthday card selection for children- I’m really pleased with the way they’ve turned out.
Children’s Greetings Cards
Birds Birthday Cards
Dogs Greeting Cards
They’ll be up in my Etsy shop very soon, so watch this space!