Yay my new blog!!
Finally got round to setting up my new blog called Oh Lovely Things . All about design inspirations, music I heart at the moment, photography, You Tube stuff etc. pretty much get the gist of it. I was also undecided whether to keep it separate from this one but I figured that I’ll give Blogger ago just to see what it’s like . Some of the features are quite neat too especially the newsletter gadget (not going to add it but still cool.) Although when I find the time might customise the HTML a bit as I take it this is the standard blog template EVERYONE uses. Oh yeah, all the Blogger templates are pretty rubbish….. what’s that all about?????
Anyway as long as I remember to update it and not forget about it should be okay 🙂 In other news my new website it sort of finished now, I want it up and running now!! It’s been ignored for quite some time however probably tonight it’ll be up…. wait and see.
Hmmm might change the banner again…………….