Illustration for Amelia's Magazine

Illustration for an article: Amelia's Magazine
The article can be viewed here. I have also linked this with our Westminster Illustration blog (see here) since I’m the only one NOT using Blogspot.
Illustration for an article: Amelia's Magazine
The article can be viewed here. I have also linked this with our Westminster Illustration blog (see here) since I’m the only one NOT using Blogspot.
Thought I should share this link with you all!
I’ve just found this really interesting blog called You Thought We Wouldn’t Notice and it’s worth reading it, something we should all be thinking about and being aware of it when creating work.
The blogs about plagiarism, rip offs, copy cats, copyrights etc. within contemporary design, fashion, t-shirt graphics, adverts…..whether you call it ‘inspiration’ well you name it really. It’s still pretty bad doing it and extremely cheeky too!
There’s also some tips on how to copy right images when you’re uploading stuff and your rights. If you’re like me I’m pretty clueless in this area, aarh! Enjoy.
We have spent the morning taking things down from P3, ripping out MDF walls and chucking out old bits of crap from the floor and moving those horrible white desks. It went down pretty quickly and it was weird to see the big concrete basement empty (you know what I mean if you have already been there.) Hmmm, I am sad about it finishing….it went by super fast 🙁
Onwards with the D&AD now!! (Don’t know what I’m talkin’ bout?! See here...)
I have just finished my image for Amelia’s Magazine Shelter Quilt Card project and now I will be getting on with the sustainabilty project too! I feel like I need to do things non-uni related.
Anyway about that mysterious Advocate Art business card, I plucked up the courage to e-mail them about it, said thanks and all for coming. I got an e-mail from them saying thy’d love to see my work and the possibility of representing me!!! I was in AWE!!!!!!…..and screaming and jumping around. So I will update the news when I see them.
Our merchandise stall with lots of handmade goodies.
my schizzle
My portfolio
Hello all,
Here are a few photos from our merchandise stall, I’ll upload more photos later. If you like what you see click on the photos and it’ll take you to the artists website! Yay! There’s more stuff going on with different creative courses so click here to see what else there is.
I also found a business card from Advocate Art slipped into my portfolio!!?? 🙂
I have NEVER worked as fast as this before! This will be up soon.