
Hi there!

I have just updated my NOISE Festival portfolio which can be seen here. This summer I will be taking part in the project which means that different artists will have a slot for couple of days which will rotate from July till September. Anyway i need to be a busy bee and get a move on making more things….

….and don’t forget to come to the D&AD The New Blood Exhibition, we will be there for a few days so come and see some wonderful and talented people.

UPDATE: Here’s the link to the august month with a profile of me LOOKING LIKE A RIGHT MONG!!

Here are all the dates for what’s to come….


Jazz hands

Jazz hands


As you may know I have been pretty slow on adding all my other mates’ blogs, they’re all with Blogger and I’m the odd one out on WordPress…..! Please follow the links below as they are all talented illustrators and it’s worth looking at all their hard work!

Finally, unfortunately I didn’t get accepted for the Cockpits Arts funding for businesses and studio spaces. I got the phone call yesterday and I was well peed off. Oh well need to look into other ways of funding and such. Damn.

Republic Bike | Shop | track bikes, fixed gear bicycles, fixies built by us and you.

I am in love with fixed gear bikes, I swear if A. I had the money to buy a new bike I’d definitely pimp it up. Spend the rest of my student loan yes please!  B. If I could ride one it would help as well. C. Because I’d be a cool kid 🙂 D. get Sam to do it up for me cos I’m a lazy arse. I’m a sucker for anything bright and fun looking. Sticking with my singlespeed bike for now I need brakes  *_*

I found this online shop Republic selling singlespeed, track bikes and fixed gear bikes, customise to your hearts content and accessories plus the gallery has loads of pastely and colourful bikes. Yes I want one! Time to get my bike from home now it’s the perfect weather to cycle around London. Fuck the London Transport, sweaty trains are bad now that it’s the summer!!!!! Okay I am going to Primrose Hill it’s so beautiful outside.
